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Get your Skin Winter Ready

Get your Skin Winter Ready

The extreme cold spell aka 'The Bomb Cyclone', that hit the east coast during the holiday put all my moisturizing skills to the test. I don't know what else this cold dry winter season has for in store for us, but I have exactly what you need to banish dry itchy skin, smoothen dry cracked hands to keep your skin looking moisturized, hydrated and glowing.

Here's how  to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized during the cold dry winter months

  1. Drink water, lots of it, all day long - I can't over emphasize the importance of drinking water and the impact it has on our skin. Dry winter weather and indoor heat rob the skins outer layer of moisture leaving the skin dull, dry and rough. Staying hydrated replaces the water loss and gives skin a much needed boost from the inside out
  2. Stop using cheap store bought soap - There's no other way for me to tell you this than to say toss those cheap bars now! Commercial soap bars strip the skin of moisture and will leave you dry and itchy. Natural soap bars are formulated with oils that cleanse without stripping. They cost a little more, but you are worth it.
  3. Get an extra boost of cleansing moisture by using a gentle cleanser like our creamy African Black Soap Body wash with Colloidal Oats. Colloidal oatmeal locks in moisture, giving your skin a chance to rehydrate. It also softens your skin and soothes itching. Its anti-inflammatory properties and helps balance your skin's natural pH level
  4. Moisturise your body immediately after showers and baths while you skin is still damp to lock in moisture. Use moisturisers that are hydrating and emollient.
  5. Layer your moisturizers - Don't be afraid to layer a cream or lotion with a heavier balm or butter to lock in moisture. Our Nourishing Body Cream and Whipped Body Butter are a great duo for locking in moisture during the cold dry season. They are rich in natural shea butter, cocoa butter, rice bran oil and colloidal oats.
  6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 daily

 These five tips are guaranteed to keep you and your family looking and feeling radiant in your skin.

Try our 3 piece moisture bundle for beautiful skin this winter

Shea Radiance Moisture Bundle

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