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Happy Mother’s Day  - Meet the newest cooperative in the Shea Radiance supply chain.

Happy Mother’s Day - Meet the newest cooperative in the Shea Radiance supply chain.

Mother’s Day seems like the perfect day to introduce you to the newest cooperative in the Shea Radiance supply chain. The Union of Cooperatives of Wakapou in the Republic of Benin is made up of 20 villages consisting of over 1,000 women shea nut and butter processors. I was moved to tears by the outpouring of love and thanksgiving we received when they received our first purchase order. We could not do this without the support of our customers, retail partners and allies who have supported us over the years.

Today I celebrate all the women in the Shea Radiance sisterhood who continue to support us by making purchases that have a direct impact on how we chose to do business. Every time you make a purchase, we have the opportunity to expand our influence and impact by sourcing from more shea producing communities. We are providing women access to the export market with an aim of creating work and financial stability they need to care for their families.

 Happy Mother’s Day




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